jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Migrants' testimonies

2nd year of secondary students have been working on Europe. Using a migrant's testimony they compared the two countries mentioned in the testimony and created a digital map which included a link to a google presentation they used to present orally (that's why they used key words in the presentation)  to the rest of the class. They compared and contrast the two countries.

Here you have some examples.

Miren Rascon, Jon Mugika, Adrian Rodas

Julen Urruzola, Amets Aierdi, Kevin Iglesias

Jon Landa, Ainara Buruntza, Malen Etxeberria

Josu Leniz, Danel Zubizarreta

Igor Aranbarri, Jokin Vicente

Ane Gonzalez, Irati San Martin, Sara Basurto

European festivals

The students have been working on different festivals in Europe. The last activity was to create a digital map that included information about some festivals. Here there are some examples.

Malen Etxeberria

Markel Lopez

Unai Eguren

Sara Basurto

June Beitia

Andrea Pedrosa

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015


The 27th of October we organized a  training session for parents. Teachers from secondary were the responsible for this training. Teachers showed how the Chromebooks are use by students  as well as different applications they use. We divides them in five groups according to the level and the language (basque and spanish). We have to say that this is the third year we do this training.

Families appreciated it a lot and they mentioned that now they know better what their kids are doing. %100 per cent of them answered that the training was useful.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015


We had a meeting with the headteacher to decide the next steps in the scenarios. We have been looking to the list of application and decide which ones could be interesting for our teachers and we decided what will invite teacher to do :

  • Google keep
  • Read&Write
  • Storybird: Meeting with Xabi L. and implement Storybird in Secondary 4 in Basque.
  • Canva: Meeting Sebas L. and implement Canva in Secondary 4 in Art.
  • Zaption
After talking to some teachers, in this moment we have two teachers who volunteered to try. We marked the applications in bold.


martes, 30 de junio de 2015

lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Reciting poems

Here we have some videos. You can see students from DBH 2 reciting poems (nursery rhymes....) using screencastify to videotape themselves. It was a part of the exam in the unit "Literature" in the third term.  I hope you like them.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Kahoot matematika (10-11 urte)

5.mailako ikasleekin matematikako buruzko kalkulua landu dugu kahoot erabiliz. Esperientzia oso positiboa izan da, eta ikasleek oso ondo pasa dute lana eginez!!!!

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Kahoot in Primary

In primary 5 (10-11 years old students) we have used Kahoot to practice the English grammar. They have played in pairs (to avoid the rivalry between them). Students are really motivated! A good way to practice grammar in an entertainment way.


LENGUA CASTELLANA DBH2 Recursos literarios




LH 5.mailan Lucidchart eta Classroom erabiltzen.

5.mailan ere hasiak gara aplikazio hauek erabiltzen, jarraian ikus ditzakezuen lanak Lucidchart programa erabiliz egin ditugu, eta guren irakaslearekin Classroom bidez bidaliak izan dira. Ea zuen gustukoak diren!!!!

Hona hemen lana egiten ibili ziren bitartean ateratako irudi batzuk